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I grew up in a blended family: 8 of us total, 6 girls & 2 boys. Those were some of the best days ever. I love my siblings; we’re wildly different, but oddly similar. It’s extremely interesting to me that despite the same genetics (as my biological siblings, obviously) and living environment- none of us have the same level of health. 

I remember my first allergic reaction at the age of 5 which was to a medication. I remember my first time having mononucleosis at the age of 9, following a UTI. I remember starting to have terrible GI issues, heavy periods, and awful migraines at the age of 14. I remember starting to have issues with throwing up randomly at the age of 17. And at 19, another mono activation, severe weight loss, and body aches, being labeled with anxiety and depression. What was really going on? All sorts of stuff. The birth control they gave me was a bandaid. The antidepressants made me SO much worse. My gallbladder was literally stuck to my liver (don’t worry, it came out), I was living in a moldy environment (as most of us do at one point or another) and the mono that I had again, was killing my body. 

All of this to say, I’ve likely been where you are. I’ve had 2 joint surgeries, my tonsils removed as an adult-10/10 do not recommend unless necessary- and my gallbladder removed. I've done multiple elimination diets to heal food sensitivities and have had an awful round of Candida and Strep overgrowth in my GI tract following multiple rounds of antibiotics from chronic sinus infections. I’ve had a beautiful baby boy, from a pregnancy that was absolute trouble, and he was born with multiple congenital birth defects. 

I can’t tell you the last time I needed my inhaler for asthma. I haven’t needed antibiotics since 2019 🙌🏽 that’s honestly a record for me. My husband and I have made multiple lifestyle and household changes including seeing a naturopathic doctor and prioritizing regular recovery that I can confidently attribute these successes to. 

I’m currently not working as a nurse but my health care experience over 7 years has been absolutely invaluable. During my years as a CNA & RN I worked as a softball coach. I love training and teaching. I love helping others succeed. I love taking care of people. I love sharing my passion for natural medicine; a healthy diet, herbs, non toxic environment, exercise, prevention, and of course prescription medications and surgeries when necessary.


  • Bachelors of Science in Nursing: experience with Advanced Heart Failure; Liver, Kidney, and Cardiac Transplant; Adolescent Medicine (Reproductive Health)/Primary Care. 

  • Progressive Care Certified Registered Nurse

  • ACE Certified Personal Trainer

  • Moms Into Fitness Pre & Post Natal Training Expert

  • Precision Nutrition Level 1 Certified Nutrition Coach 


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